InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorThe Road to Quantum Mechanics, Part 1: Intro, Coordinates, and KinematicsIt’s a long road to understanding Quantum Mechanics, and there are no shortcuts. In this series, I’ll show you Quantum Mechanics from the…Dec 30, 202113Dec 30, 202113
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorKepler’s Laws and Newtonian MechanicsWe’ll not only explain Newtonian Mechanics, but also derive Kepler’s Laws. This article will serve as an introduction to what doing…Jan 6, 20223Jan 6, 20223
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorHow to Use PDEs to Model RealityOur world isn’t one-dimensional and neither are the partial differential equations that describe it. Let’s talk about how we derive them.Jan 17, 20222Jan 17, 20222
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorEigenvalue Equations and PDEsNow that we know how to set up Partial Differential Equations, let’s look at how we can solve them.Feb 4, 20221Feb 4, 20221
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorThe Spherical HarmonicsThe Spherical Harmonics are fundamental to Quantum Mechanics. Let’s derive them.Feb 14, 20221Feb 14, 20221
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorBra-Ket Notation and OrthogonalityWe’re going to explain several types of operators fundamental to Quantum Mechanics along with the bra-ket notation.Mar 1, 20221Mar 1, 20221
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorThe Dirac Delta FunctionThe Dirac delta function allows us to model a point source or impulse. Green’s Functions give the response.Mar 22, 2022Mar 22, 2022
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorThe Wave EquationWe’re at the end of the PDE arc. Let’s use the techniques we’ve learned to derive, solve, and analyze the Wave Equation.Apr 10, 20223Apr 10, 20223
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorAn Intro to Differential GeometryDifferential Geometry is the study of Calculus on smooth manifolds. It allows you to make statements that are true in any coordinate…May 12, 20224May 12, 20224
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorLagrangian MechanicsLagrangian Mechanics makes finding the equations of motion almost trivial and will serve as the basis for modern Physics.May 27, 20221May 27, 20221
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorThe Principle of Least ActionLagrangian Mechanics is more than a shortcut — it’s the basis of modern Physics. Let’s see why that is.Aug 3, 20221Aug 3, 20221
Joseph MellorThe Classical Double-Slit ExperimentIf you want to figure out whether something is a wave or a particle, you look for interference.Sep 11, 2022Sep 11, 2022
InCantor’s ParadisebyJoseph MellorThe Charged Particle LagrangianEverything in Physics can be represented with a Lagrangian, including particles governed by Maxwell’s Equations and the Lorentz Force Law.Oct 21, 20222Oct 21, 20222
Joseph MellorVectors and CovectorsCovectors are dual to vectors, and they’re fundamental to differential forms and tensors.Dec 26, 20223Dec 26, 20223
Joseph MellorAn Intro to Differential FormsDifferential forms are powerful tools, but a lot of the geometric intuition is hidden behind the formalism. Let’s fix that.Jan 25, 20232Jan 25, 20232
Joseph MellorThe Exterior DerivativeWe’re going to derive half the identities in Vector Calculus by introducing a powerful new operator.Mar 10, 20231Mar 10, 20231
Joseph Mellork-Chains and k-CellsTo prove the Generalized Stokes’ Theorem, we’ll some way of defining a region and its boundary.Apr 1, 2023Apr 1, 2023
Joseph MellorAn Intro to ManifoldsEuclidean space is the natural environment for Calculus, but manifolds allow us to extend Calculus to curved spaces.Apr 11, 20232Apr 11, 20232
Joseph MellorThe Generalized Stokes’ TheoremIf there were one theorem to rule them all, it would be the Generalized Stokes’ Theorem.May 16, 20233May 16, 20233
Joseph MellorA Mathematical Approach to TensorsA matrix is a linear map of a vector to another vector. A tensor is a multilinear map of a tensor to another tensor.Jun 4, 20232Jun 4, 20232