Update: I Can Now Make Vector Fields in Blender

Joseph Mellor
11 min readJun 3, 2023

The article on tensors will come out soon, but I might also want to work on making stream lines.

Blender is quickly becoming one of my favorite tools to use. It’s incredibly powerful, runs at breakneck speeds, and it has a great workflow once you get used to it. The only thing I would consider lackluster is its scripting interface, but even then it’s still pretty good for something that doesn’t seem to be used that often. I wish the documentation were written a little better, but I say that about everything. Anyway, over the course of two streams, I figured out how to make an extremely extensible vector field.

Why This Vector Field is Better Than Everyone Else’s Vector Field



Joseph Mellor

BS in Physics, Math, and CS with a minor in High-Performance Computing. You can find all my articles at https://josephmellor.xyz/articles/.